Popular in Japan!: Blood Type Personality
Do you believe in astrology?
The zodiac sign we are born under is said to influence our personality and we might find descriptions of our sign relatable.
However, in Japan, people are more interested in Blood Type Personalities rather than Zodiac Personalities.
Here are the personality descriptions of the 4 blood types!

・Type A
methodical, cautious, stubborn, detailed, seen as perfectionists

・Type B
outgoing, creative, optimistic, selfish, irresponsible

・Type AB
talented, rational, critical, eccentric, unpredictable

・Type O
friendly, easygoing, arrogant, jealous

If you like watching anime, there is even an anime about blood types! Its called 血液型くん (Ketsuekigata kun) and based on a Korean manga series so do check it out :D

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