Words and Phrases about Feelings
Hi guys!

Let's learn some Japanese phrases about feelings
Learning these phrases will help you level up your Japanese skill, because these are high-level phrases which are not commonly used in daily life
By using this phrases, you can impress your Japanese friends!

1. 平にご容赦ください(ひらにごようしゃください)
Meaning: begging for forgiveness
Example: ご不便をおかけしますことを、平にご容赦ください。
(Please forgive us for the inconvenience)

2. 快哉を叫ぶ(かいさいをさけぶ)
Meaning: feeling so happy that you feel like shouting
Example: 試験から解放されて快哉を叫びたい気分だ。
 (Being freed from exam makes me feel like shouting)

3. 勘弁ならない(かんべんならない)
Meaning: cannot be forgiven
Example: イタズラにしては悪質で、今度ばかりは勘弁ならない。
 (That was too much for a prank. It won't be forgiven next time)

4. 忸怩たる思い(じくじたるおもい)
Meaning: embarrassing oneself
Example: 同じ過ちを繰り返してしまい、忸怩たる思いです。
(I embarrassed myself because I repeated the same mistake)

5. 人心地(ひとごこち)
Meaning: to be relaxed
Example: 家に帰ってようやく人心地ついた。
(I feel relaxed after I arrived at home)

6. 面映ゆい(おもはゆい)
Meaning: blushing
Example: 大勢の前で褒められて面映ゆかった
(Being commended in front of a lot of people makes me blush)

7. 砂を嚙むよう(すなをかむよう)
Meaning: uninteresting at all (literally: it's like eating sand)
Example: やりがいのない仕事に追われて、砂を嚙むような毎日だ
(Being pressed by a lot of non-motivating jobs makes me feel like I'm eating sand everyday)

8. 心痛(しんつう)
Meaning: feeling sad
Example: ご心痛、お察しいたします
(I feel your sadness)

9. 溜飲を下げる(りゅういんをさげる)
Meaning: feeling satisfied
Example: 勝負に勝って、溜飲を下げた
(I feel so happy for winning that competition)

10. 疎ましい(うとましい)
Meaning: feeling unpleasant
Example: 目にするのも疎ましい相手だ)
(I feel unpleasant just by seeing his face)
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