Reservation Status of COVID-19 Vaccine (as of 20 Jul 2021)
To all residents of Japan who have received their vaccination ticket:
*only those aged 18 and above on the day of vaccination are eligible

You will be able to reserve your vaccination slots at the following 3 venue types

①SDF large-scale vaccination centers in Tokyo and Osaka
(managed by the Ministry of Defence and Self Defense Force of Japan)

Residents from all over Japan may reserve their slots here

②Regional Mass Vaccination Centers
(managed by the local authorities)

Only residents of that prefecture or city may reserve their slots.
You may look up your center from the homepage of the prefecture/city you are living in.
(as of 21 Jul)

*Osaka City: Intex Osaka
Slots are currently FULL.
The next reservation round is set to begin 26 JUL (MON) 9AM.
Reserve here:

③Private Vaccination Centers e.g. hospitals/clinics

Only residents of the city/area where the hospital/clinic is located may reserve.
*Note: some hospitals/clinics only take reservations from those who have prior patient records there
Reserve here:
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