How to visit your business partner?
1. Appointment
In order to have a talk, it is necessary to make an appointment for a visit date and time. In business, it is often called "taking an appointment" (アポ取り).
✅Please make your appointment as far in advance as possible. Please contact the recipient at least one week before your desired date. When deciding when to visit, the general rule is to prioritize the other person's convenience. Prepare around 2 to 3 possible dates and times, and try to adjust them according to the other person's convenience.
✅Then you need to clearly communicate the purpose of the appointment and why you want to visit. Let them know how much time you will need to discuss the appointment. Generally, about 1 hour is appropriate. Additionally, when visiting, let them know how many people will be attending.
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2. Preparation before
In order for the visit to be a valuable time for the other party, it is necessary to prepare the company in advance so that the conversation can proceed efficiently. Be sure to research information and prepare materials.
✅If you made an appointment more than a week ago, please call or email the day before and say, 明日、○時にうかがいますので、よろしくお願いいたします (I'll be with come tomorrow at x o'clock, see you).
✅In some cases, it may be effective to send the materials in an electronic file to your primary care partner and have them read through them. Even if you have sent the materials to the recipient in advance, print them out on paper and bring them with you. It is a good idea to prepare a little more printed material.
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3. Etiquette
✅If you wear a coat, please take it off before entering the company you are visiting. Hold it over your arm with the outside facing in.
✅Arrive 5 to 10 minutes before your scheduled time and greet the receptionist: 失礼します。WA. SA. Bi. のマリナと申します。○時に課長の森さんとお約束をしているのですが、お取次ぎお願いいたします (Excuse me. My name is Maryna from WA. SA. Bi. company. I have a request, and I would appreciate it if you could help me with it). You say your name and company, and explain your business.
✅When the caller says something like, 少々お待ち下さい。ただ今確認いたします。(I'll take care of it) follow what they say.
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4. Receiving
When you receive information, either the person at the reception desk will pick you up, or the person in charge will pick you up at the reception desk.
✅On the way to the room, walk 2 to 4 steps diagonally behind the person providing the information. When riding an elevator, be guided by the guide before entering.
✅When you arrive to room, the guide will open the door and you will need to say 失礼します (Excuse me) with a slight nod before entering.
✅Your guide will show you where to sit in the room. Also, wait until the guide says, どうぞおかけください (Please take a sea), before sitting down. Furthermore, it is good etiquette to stand and wait instead of sitting. However, if the guide is not coming for a long time, please sit and wait, and when the signal to enter (knock) is given, immediately stand up and say hello.
✅Generally put your belongings at your feet and do not put them on your desk or the seat next to you. If there is a coat rack in the conference room, it would be a good idea to ask the person to use it when asked to do so. If you are unable to put your coat in your bag, simply fold your coat into a small size and place it on top of your bag.
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5. Finishing
✅If the appointment is scheduled for one hour, try to finish it on time. Therefore, when the end time approaches, you can signal it with a phrase それでは、そろそろお時間ですので (Then, it's almost time…). Furthermore, starting to put away the materials spread out on the desk also signals the end of the session.
✅The following expressions are used as a final greeting after a visit: 本日はお時間をとっていただき、ありがとうございました (Thank you for taking the time to speak with me today). ✅When you return to your company after your visit, the first thing you should do is say, ただ今戻りました (I've just returned), and verbally report that you've returned.
✅Depending on the nature of the visit, you may have to write a detailed travel report, and you may also need to pay for transportation expenses. Be sure to check your company's rules regarding formats and procedures.

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