Guide for phone conversation
1. Readiness
Since you can't see the person's face, be careful about the following two points:
■ voice
Your voice on the phone determines your impression of the company. Make your voice a little brighter than when you normally speak. Be energetic, speak clearly and slowly.
■ aizuchi
When you are on the phone, if you don't hear back from someone, you start to wonder if the person on the other end is really listening. For this reason, try to echo what the other person is saying more than usual, for example by saying things like はい and ええ out loud.
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Before making a call, make the following preparations:
■ Memo of the names, businesses, etc.
When you're nervous, you can't say what you want to say or forget what you need to say. Be sure to note down important points and what to say and in what order.
■ Predictions
Be prepared to anticipate the flow of the conversation, such as how you would respond if someone told you that the other person was unavailable.
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3. Make a call
For outside calls, follow these steps:
■ Check the other party
Listen carefully to the company name and department name that the other person mentions. If you cannot hear clearly, after you have given your name, ask someone something like, 恐れ入りますが、○○株式会社の○○部でしょうか?(I'm a bit nervous, but are you from ○○ Co., Ltd., Department ○○?').
■ Call oneself
Foreign names can be difficult for Japanese people to hear, so be sure to pronounce them clearly. It will be easier to hear if you separate the surname and first name.
■ Greeting
いつもお世話になっております。(Thank you for your continued support).
■ Transfer the call
Say ○○様をお願いします。(Can I talk with Mr. ○○, please).
■ Convey daily necessities
Communicate clearly and concisely while looking at your notes.
■ Closing greeting
Say 失礼します(Excuse me), and hang up.
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4. Keep in mind
■ Name
When you call a friend's cell phone, your name will be displayed to the other party, so you may not have to give your name. However, on a business phone call, it would be extremely rude not to say your name.
■ Time
Times when it is best to avoid calling are near the start and end of work hours, and just before and after lunch breaks. Also, it is good manners not to make phone calls during lunch breaks. However, if you have something urgent to do, use cushion words such as お昼の時間に申し訳ありません (I'm sorry for the inconvenience at lunch time) before you start talking.
■ Location
When someone nearby is on the phone, be as quiet as possible so that the person on the other end can't hear you. Also, when making calls using a mobile phone, choose a quiet place.
■ Mobile phone
When calling on a cell phone, since I don't know where the person is or what he is doing, I ask him, 今、お話してもよろしいでしょうか?(May I speak to you now?) before starting the conversation.
■ Finish
It is important for the caller to hang up the phone, but try to wait until the other party hangs up as much as possible. When we both wait for the other person to hang up, the person who called repeats 失礼いたします (Thank you), and then quietly hangs up the phone.
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